Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Effective Business Letter Essay

Did you know that in 1999 that two babies died after suffocating on plastic Pokemon balls that their parents got from Burger King? Furthermore, three children choked on â€Å"Scooter Bugs† that were given out at McDonalds. How would you feel if your child was injured due to the fact that your company had not pretested the safety of a toy? Many toys that are given out to toddlers are really meant for older children. In addition, many of these toys are produced cheaply overseas, and often small parts break off and they become serious choking hazards. According to statistics, Burger King distributes nearly 100 million toys annually to children; McDonald’s gives away 1.5 billion worldwide. This entire industry accounts for one-third of all toys distributed in the United States. Millions of them have been recalled after children were hurt. Industry leaders such as, Burger King and McDonald’s, now recognize that protecting child safety is to their advantage. Fortunately, Burger King now uses safety tests before, during, and after manufacturing to catch any hazards in advance. Furthermore, McDonalds’s has developed a testing doll with artificial lungs to check for suffocation risks called the â€Å"McBaby.† We want other fast food restaurants to follow their lead and start checking toys before distribution. McDonald’s has loaned the â€Å"McBaby† to our department so that other fast food vendors will participate in child protection. We would be more than happy to demonstrate how this baby works and how to invent a device similar to this. Please contact Melissa Gardner at 1-800-777-2233 to set up a time for us to come directly to your restaurant and do a presentation for you. Please help to keep our children safe. We look forward to hearing from you.   

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