Thursday, December 26, 2019

I Am Against Video Games - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 620 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Entertainment Essay Level High school Tags: Video Games Essay Did you like this example? I am against video games because they promote violence, game addiction and expenditure. Video games are good when life gets bored and monotonous with the same schedule every day, but people nowadays have made gaming as their profession, which affects them adversely. Some of the games improves our knowledge and prepare us against the violence that can be found around our surrounding. Video games also brings our family members, relatives and friends together, since multiple player can play and enjoy at the same time. Certain types of video games increase our thinking capacity and improves our brain functioning too. Video games can also be used as good source of teaching and learning tools. There are lots of games in the market where the players have to kill their opponent characters in the game for the victory. It is good until this remains only in the game, but the younger generation tend to implement the violence into their reality. Video games are giving wrong message to the children that those who have lots of guns and can kill everyone are the strongest one. People learn shooting in video games and try to act same in real life which causes death of lots of people. People who play violent type of video games usually get angry very quickly for even a simple cause which affects their social life negatively and may also take a life of others. Children spending most of the time playing video games have difficulty in differentiating their reality and fictional life as a result they think killing and fighting is the only way to solve the problem. Video games also include pornography and different types of women violence which conveys wrong message to the young generation and increases violence in the society. Addiction towards video game is found common. People who do not like to leave playing video games in any situation are said to be addicted towards video games. Video games are designed in such a way that it can easily seek many peoples attention. Video games are designed in a sequence of difficulty level so, people would not be bored getting easy level and also people would not leave without playing thinking its tough. The downfall of people starts when they are addicted to video games as they do not go to work. Addicted children always want to play video game and ruin their study. People get mentally sick being around the video games every moment. People lose their responsibility towards family members and friends due to addiction of video games. Addicted people are so busy with their games, that they do not clean their surrounding and themselves. Video games occupies huge amount of budget in anyones expenses. Video gaming deals with a lot of technology. We need television, video games, controller and so on to enjoy gaming, which is not affordable by ordinary people. According to BestBuy, An XBOX ONE costs $299.99. This price is only for device, we also need to buy television and games for gaming which makes our gaming costlier. Lots of video games do not demand extra money at the time of buying but while we keep playing, we get options like upgrade characters, unlock next level, get extra lives and so on; which increases the expenses too. People get lots of health problems with their eyes and back pain by playing video games for long time which ultimately increases their expenses. Video games need electricity as the source of energy to operate which increases our electricity bill and adds an extra expense to people. The gaming company always try to make slight change in their new version of same game which makes people to spend extra money for the new version. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "I Am Against Video Games" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

“Oh, The Happy I Have Found In My Nappy.”. Since I Began

â€Å"Oh, the happy I have found in my nappy.† Since I began my natural hair journey I am persistently overshadowed with a multitude of confused stares from strangers in public, and unfiltered conversations from Black men and women pertaining to my decision to be â€Å"Natural†. Those experiences launched my curiosity about the politics of Black women’s natural hair in America. Instead of considering that Black women who opt to wear their natural hair may have begun a journey to true acceptance of themselves, they are shunned upon for not conforming to Society’s westernized standards of beauty. Thus, Black women’s natural hair are identified as employing a form of resistance to our cultural history of oppression. Throughout this essay, I will†¦show more content†¦Walker strongly encouraged Black women to free themselves of being economically reliant on White people as well as Black men. Walker used hair as a tool to reconstruct a new identity for Black women to become their own boss, and to have the option to control their capital. Rooks uses Walker’s experiences with the media as an explanation on how the misrepresentation of beauty for African American women was originated. The second book I will discuss is Hair Matters: Beauty, Power, and Black Women’s Consciousness by Ingrid Banks which was created to explain the relationship between black women’s hair and how it relates to their cultural identity. Banks takes on an analytical approach in her ethnographic research on 61 Black women of various ages, and provided a platform for informal discourse on the politics of Black women’s hair in America. The inspiration behind Hair Matters was launched during November 1998, when Ruth Sherman a White teacher at a predominantly Hispanic and Black public school supplied her third-grade students with a children’s book written by Carolivia Herron titled â€Å"Nappy Hair†. The book was about a child of color embracing her hair texture, however the incident caused national attention and received a multitude of backlash. Residents in Brooklyn felt that the term â€Å"Nappy† was inappropriate, and that the White teacher had no right toShow MoreRelatedStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 PagesIndex Preface In writing the first edition of this book in the early 1990s, we were motivated by a concern to help improve the effectiveness of marketing practice. Twelve years and two editions later, our purpose is unchanged. In doing this, we have sought to address a number of key questions that logically follow each other in the context of strategic marketing management: 1 Where are we now? 2 Where do we want to be? 3 How might we get there? 4 Which way is best? 5 How can we ensure arrivalRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pagescenter stage, driven by the power of strong retailers, value-sensitive customers, reduced category growth, and overcapacity (often caused by new entrants and by old competitors hanging on, sometimes via bankruptcy). Retailers have become stronger year by year, and they have used that strength to put pressure on prices. Whereas a decade ago, the manufacturer largely controlled information, retailers are now collecting vast amounts of information and developing models to use it. As a result, there

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Hazardous Waste Management of Brisbane Australia †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about theHazardous Waste Management of Brisbane Australia. Answer: Hazardous waste generation and their physical characteristics Waste generation is an inevitable issue within the society. Product utilization is bound to encounter wastage as the penultimate outcome. Viewing it from the other perspective, wastes complete the ecological cycle; however, a conscious and planned approach is needed for proper disposal of the wastes. Application of haphazard approach leads to environmental pollution, which turns the existence of the public domain into a claustrophobic one (Reno, 2015). The generalization of the issue contradicts the limitation of Brisbane city. However, in order to align with the requirements in the assignment, this section discusses the sources through which waste is generated in the city of Brisbane The main hazardous wastes, which destroy the sanctity of the Brisbane city, are bleach, chemicals released from the pools and gardens, solvents from the supermarkets and hardware stores. Bleach is a liquid, where the main components are granules, powders and tablets. In the liquid form, bleach is known as sodium hypochlorite and its white form gains the scientific name of calcium hypochlorite. Using bleach in limited amounts in the household is not harmful as such. Digesting bleach does not prove fatal; however, coming in contact with excessive bleach is harmful as it causes irritation in eyes, mouth, skin and lungs (Roberts, 2015). This type of exposure is very dangerous for patients suffering from asthma. Gardens and pools provide the much needed recreation for the people. If excessive chemicals are put into the plants, flowers and swimming pools, the entire house becomes polluted. These chemicals are the pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides, which destroys the texture of the soil. This destruction aggravates the complexities of the farmers in terms of planting trees for preserving the greenery of the city. Along with this, the bug eats away the plants, which makes is incapable of bearing flowers and fruits. Chemicals released from the pools makes the water polluted, barring the Brisbane inhabitants from refreshing themselves (Gregson Crang, 2015). Along with this, chemicals in the gardens and pools destroy the beauty of the Parks situated in Brisbane. Solvents purchased by the employees from the supermarkets include liquid detergents, soaps and washing powders. If these chemicals falls onto the ground and is eaten by the animals, they fall prey to various diseases. This is due to the presence of chemicals, which is not for the human consumption. Apart from these wastes, the other wastes include the dead animals, which produce suffocating smell. Existing hazardous waste management systems from institutional and financial aspects The wastes, which are generated are managed by Brisbane city council through a systematic manner. For this, workshops, events and various other activities are organized, which reflects an attempt of the personnel to inculcate the urge of environmental protection in the minds of the public domain. Special community groups are formed for volunteering these activities. One such example is clean, green and sustainable 2017-2031. The main theme of this plan is the preservation of ecological biodiversity of Brisbane through the achievement of sustainable growth in the environmental components (, 2017). The most remarkable of this is the introduction to water smart city, which would protect the waterways from pollution and enhance the sustainability. Resource recovery centres are the agent for the environment industry personnel in terms of bringing sustainability to the environment of Brisbane. The plan of free recycling facilities is the latest attraction among the people. This is applicable only for the vehicular waste measuring up to 4.5 tonnes. In case of general and green waste, waste vouchers are charged for the people donating the wastes, which need to be recycled. There are certain rules and regulations, which all the people needs to follow. Standardized customer service enhances the popularity of these centres in terms of protecting the ecological diversity (, 2017). All these attempts are not without the consideration of the financial aspect. The members of the council sit frequently in meetings and conferences for making plans regarding the activities for the enhancement of the waste management. The employees are also involved in these discussions. Consideration of these viewpoints helps the personnel to come up with various environmental directives, which would keep the waste generation in regulated levels. The council personnel have partnerships with the trade union members for achieving the required assistance in times of crisis and exigency (Rorat Kacprzak, 2017). This assistance safeguards the personnel from the instances of fluctuating prices, inflation and monetary issues. Apart from this, one of the major attractions is the environmental educational institutions. Here, courses related to the preservation of ecological diversity are planned for preparing the youth in terms of making noticeable contributions towards making the Brisbane city worth living. The city council plays an active role in ensuring that the youths receive the primary education. The funds are effectively utilized by organizing greener drives, tree plantation, and green months among others. The roles played by the personnel are reflected from the actions performed towards the disposal of wastes (Wyssusek et al., 2016). The left over foods are distributed among the beggars. Even for this, there are centers, which collect the left over foods and do a door to door service for satisfying their hunger. Prediction of future waste quantities According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, the phase between 1996-97 and 2006-07, the Australian encountered a noticeable growth in the amount of wastes. The percentage for this is 5.4. Major concern is the phase from 1996-97. This is due to the generation of 1200 kg waste in proportion to the number of inhabitants dwelling in Australia. Escalation by 900 kg in the year of 2006-07 alarmed Australia in terms of voluminous waste generation. The information on the economic prosperity seems vague in comparison to this waste generation (, 2017). This vagueness also negates the tag of highest users of technology. However, recycling of the waste products reflects the attempts of the industry personnel in terms of preserving and protecting the ecological diversity. The generated wastes are measured through direct and indirect measurement methods. In direct measurement, the flow meter helps in measurement of the amount of waste and its impact on the environment as a whole. Presence of this flow meter in the waste drainage system saves a lot of time, which can be devoted in making plans for recycling the wastes. Landfill wastes takes the shape of leachate, which if spreads can pollute mainly the surface and the ground waters. Along with this, leachate degrades the quality of the soil, making it incapable of growing crops or buildings. There was 12% increase in the amount of landfill waste in Australia in the era of 2001-2007 (Fagbenro, 2016). Consideration of the population is one of an important means for estimating the wastes, which would generate in the upcoming years. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, estimates of waste generation were done in proportion to the population growth. The evidence of this is the table stating the 2007 data and the projection for 2030. 2007 data reveals 1,819,762 population of Brisbane. For 2030 projection, estimations reach to an amount of 3,094, 937, which projects high level on the estimation scale. For the low projection, the amount is 2,553, 834 (, 2017). In view of these figures, the estimations regarding the waste generation are high. Rapid growth of population means more waste generation, which compels the scientists to predict more environmental pollution. Further, more environmental pollution indicates aggravation of the complexities in health issues such as cancer, asthma and others. The new born babies might be deformed is the council does not take imme diate and strict measures to curb the situation firmly. Major problems and issues Generation of waste is a major problem, which spoils the environment of a place. Lackadaisical attitude of the personnel towards proper waste disposal compels the public domain to have a claustrophobic existence. As a matter of specification, the waste fractions are measured through various codes. Within this, all the business organizations and industries are included. Disposal of hazardous wastes in the dustbins are strictly prohibited (Kalutara et al., 2017). This is due to the outcomes of explosions, leading to loss of property and deaths. Presence of toxins in the bins proves fatal for the truck drivers. The areas, which are affected through the waste generation, are Brisbane River and Moreton Bay. The main issue here is the illegal dumping, which makes the society dirty and polluted (Glanville Chang, 2015). The presence of fire ants and lantana aggravate the intensity of the pollution levels. Dumping of the old furniture leads to more wastage, which aggravates the complexity of the neighborhood in terms of leading a healthy lifestyle. The toxic substances are harmful for the slum children as they roam around the dustbins for a small piece of food. Along with this, leftover tyres and parts of trees block the roads, which lead to accidents. These tyres even obstruct the drains, which accumulates the wastes rather than its disposal. This issue is a serious concern for the public domain in terms of their existence (Martin et al., 2016). Delving deep into the aspect, aggravation of the toxic wastes pollutes the environment of Brisbane, which causes severe diseases like cancer, asthma among others. The intensity of these issues is so high that if not dealt immediately, the future generation would not be able to see the beauty of Nature. For this, effective recommendations need to be taken for protecting the ecological diversity. The most important recommendation is the adoption of solid waste management. Within this, the personnel need to expose a systematic approach. First of all, the wastes need to be segregated according to their types (Garg Larroquette, 2014). Mixture of the wastes would prove all efforts and attempts in vain. As a matter of specification, the wastes that can be recycled need to be kept separately. Placement of dustbins in parks, restaurants and other public places would solve half of the problem. The visitors need to be instructed about throwing the wastes in the dustbins and not wherever they feel like. Fines and prosecutions for throwing wastes other than dustbins reflect the reliability of this recommendation. These aspects project a slow yet gradual progression towardsmanagement of the wastes (Gillespie, 2015). Free waste collection centers are also an evidence of the attempts towardseffective management of the wastes. Along with this, advertisements, hoardings and street plays regarding the maintenance of cleanliness indicate the penetration into the path of protecting the environment. This has spread the awareness among the general public to expose conscious attitude towards the wastes that generate from their house (Bricknell, 2014). Individual attempts in this direction would result in the preservation of Nature as a whole. The green test drives, which are conducted by the vehicle companies also indicate the attempts towards the mitigating the level of environmental pollution. Within this, remarkable step is boycotting the use of petrol and diesel and adopting electricity operated batteries. The employees of the industry are being provided with trainings related to the efficient and effective utilization of the machines for regulated generation of wastes. Green weeks are celebrated, where trees are planted; dramas are staged, cultural programs and organized and many more (Damigos, Kaliampakos Menegaki, 2016). Conclusion The assignment emerges successful in providing an insight into the alarming necessity of hazardous waste management. The intensity of the issue contradicts the limitations of Brisbane. The statistical evidences from the Australian Bureau of Statistics alarm the public regarding the gradual depletion of the natural beauty from the society. In-depth information about the wastes and their physical characteristics is an attempt to make the people aware of their negligent attitude towards sustaining adequate resources for the future generation. Prediction regarding the future waste quantities is a warning for the people, which compel the city council of Brisbane and others to take immediate steps for preserving the ecological biodiversity. Conclusion acts as an evaluation regarding the assessment of effectiveness and appropriateness of the undertaken steps in terms of bestowing a healthy lifestyle on the public domain. References (2017). Waste per person. Retrieved 2nd August 2017 from Bricknell, S. (2014). 3 What is environmental crime and how much is happening in Australia?.Following the Proceeds of Environmental Crime: Fish, Forests and Filthy Lucre, 28. (2017). Illegal dumping. Retrieved 2nd August 2017 from Damigos, D., Kaliampakos, D., Menegaki, M. (2016). How much are people willing to pay for efficient waste management schemes? A benefit transfer application.Waste Management Research,34(4), 345-355. Fagbenro, O. K. (2016). Leachate pollution and impact to environment.Control and treatment of landfill leachate for sanitary waste disposal, 173-199. Garg, M., Larroquette, L. (2014). Livelihood Creation through Solid Waste Management.JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION,1(1), 98. Gillespie, A. 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Improved approaches to the network design problem in regional hazardous waste management systems.Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review,88, 52-75.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Great Gatsby --- F. Scott. Fitzgerald Essays - The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby --- F. Scott. Fitzgerald Ch2. Nick describes his journey back to the West Egg from Daisy and Tom's Home...A worthy mention is our introduction to the advertisement billboard of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg and it's imposing eyes which brood over the solemn dumping ground. Upon this ash road lives Tom Buchanan's mistress...Myrtyle. Myrtyle and her husband live at her husbands place of work...a mechanic's garage.....Tom Buchanan previously made great efforts to get Nick to see his girl. Wilson is interested in purchasing Toms car....There home is rather drab and does not seem to be fitting to a person as extravagant as Myrtyle...Myrtyle even dresses extravengently in her home. Myrtlye is a dashing person with noticeable features of which include her partyish clothes and demeanor.She totally ignores her husband,Wilson, upon here meeting with Tom and Nick and walks directly towards Tom in greeting. She also is aggressive over Wilson as we are hinted when she orders him rather rudely to get some chairs for her guests. Tom arra nges for him and Myrtyle to meet later unbeknownst to her they set off towards New York...we are given glimpses of the fussiness of Myrytle: She was extravenegent in purchasing goods at the train terminal....she waited and let three taxis go by until she found a fitting lavender colored taxi...she purchased a puppy for the fun of it. ThereafterTom and Myrtyle invite Nick into their rented apartment party much to his disagreement....he still however attends. Myrytyle's sister Catherine comes over..She too like Myrtyle is extravagant in her dress. Many others attended the party. Catherine shows her inquisitive side when she points out to Nick...the state of Myrtyle's and Tom's married lives....: Neither of them can stand the person they're married to. Catherine believes that Tom and Myrtyle should both divorce their present spouses and marry one another. Catherine also tells us that she frequents Gatsby's parties....this gains Nick's attention...he also here's the rumor t hat Gatsby is the nephew or cousin of Kaiser Wilheim. Catherine also retorts that Daisy's religion of Catholic is the barrier in divorce for Tom...this Nick knows is an utter lie since Daisy is not Catholic. The get together continues with gossip of Wilson lowerness and undeservingness of having Myrtyle as a wife...this comes from Myrtyle herself thus reinforcing her dislike towards her spouse for us. Tom and Myrtyle get into an argument over whether or not Tom should mention Daisy's this tiff Myrtyle gets her nose broken by Tom showing us that Tom's violent behavior focused on Daisy is not all that focused on Daisy alone! Ch3. The Chapter opens with a party going on at Gatsby's mansion. We are told that on every Friday, supplies and help arrive at the Gatsby mansion in preparation for another of his parties. In Nick's description of this state of affairs I notice a hint of envy in his voice. Also Nick seems to feel a bit left out of these parties especially since he lives right next door to Gatsby. Many of those who attended Gatsby's parties invited themselves and Nick was decent enough only to attend once an invitation had been sent to him. Gatsby himself never attended his little parties, but as later found out, he preferred to overlook the chaos from a high room atop his mansion. The parties in their content were very rude, bizarre and exciting...Guests varied in demeanor and type and made a mosaic of to be in attendance at this particular party was Jordan Baker, the Golf Champion. Nick attaches himself to Jordan due to his loneliness at the party. Jordan helps Nick meet a few other pe rsons and the converse over their mysterious host....this is where we learn of Gatsby's solitude at his parties. Nick engages in a conversation with a man who he doesn't know is Gastby....he later finds out his identity when confusion rankles in their conversation...this marks their first meeting...Both Nick and Gatsby get along fine. Later, Jordan is called in for a personal conversation with Gatsby...In this conversation, they probably discuss Nick and Daisy being relatives and Daisy's state. Thereafter their conversation the party comes to a close and Gatsby invites Nick in for a Hydroplane flight...all these actions