Thursday, August 27, 2020

Management - Performance Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The board - Performance Management - Essay Example Plainly, execution the board is critical to hierarchical objectives since it evaluates the general execution of the association. Arranging execution is a significant hierarchical action since it integrates diverse authoritative elements, for example, HR procedures, technique, and ability. In task 2, it has been clarified why an all around structured execution the executives framework should screen and survey execution. After it, the troubles in evaluating singular execution have been tended to. What is Performance Management? Execution the board can be characterized as the procedure by which line supervisors impact hierarchical jobs and capacities so as to guarantee that genuine results coordinate key points and desires. Generally, associations executed the system of execution evaluations which had various issues. The arrangement of execution the executives means to kill these issues by being a unique framework. The presentation evaluation framework is a static one and in this way ca n't be utilized in the quickly evolving present-day business condition. Execution the executives is a unique procedure which incorporates singular execution destinations or principles of staff with operational plans. Execution the executives is a structure for adjusting human asset the board to authoritative objectives. ... Subsequently, the administration can consider the relevant elements of business procedure, working environment innovation, and worker association. Since these components are considered, hierarchical objectives are all the more deliberately adjusted. This demonstrates the significance of execution the board to authoritative objectives. The procedure of objective setting is a key part of execution the executives. It controls the associations among chiefs and representatives in explaining shared obligations and duties. In this way, it guarantees that they are adjusted to the general execution of the association. Hierarchical objectives are identified with the general execution of the association. On the off chance that they are not adjusted to the vital focal point of the association, the outcome will be poor hierarchical execution (Mintzberg, 1987). Execution the executives guarantees this vital arrangement. The three relevant variables have been referenced. They are on the whole funda mental parts of hierarchical objectives and they are considered by execution the board. For instance, business methodology characterizes the objectives and destinations which give the association its upper hand. Hence, business procedure ought to be remembered for objective setting. This can be accomplished through execution the executives. Execution the board additionally encourages business association. Except if workers are associated with deciding authoritative objectives, they won't be inspired to perform at the most noteworthy conceivable level. All things considered, authoritative objectives may not be powerful. Accordingly, by encouraging representative contribution, execution the executives adjusts worker objectives to authoritative objectives. Therefore, the intensity and generally achievement

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Note on the Arts and Crafts Schools of Germany

A Note on the Arts and Crafts Schools of Germany Essay Tive and in this way enchanting little canvas by D. W. Take a stab at, â€Å"Eveningâ€Septem ber†; J. Francis Murphy shows a little work brilliantly interpretative entitled â€Å"Showery Day†; J. Alden Weir is seen at his best in Autumn,† and William Lathrop in â€Å"A Stretch of Salt Marsh land.† Emil Carlsen’s â€Å"Wood Interior† has beautifying quality beside star nounced excellence both of topic and treat ment; Charles H. Davis’s â€Å"Summer in the Hills† joins old style soul with present day immediacy. Among the painters of winter, the translators of sunlit cold airâ€Schofield, Redfield and Gard ner Symonsâ€are as common to the fore. Daniel Garber’s prize winning picture appears, not just outstanding interpretation of the nuances of light and air, however feeling for structure and a fine feeling of shading. Leonard Ochtman, Willard Met calf, Ben Foster, Bolton Jones and Hobart Nichols send outstanding canvases. That subject is of less significance than treatment is showed by two paint ings, one of a â€Å"Sow and Pigs† in a farm by Horatio Walker, the other of â€Å"Porpoise† jumping through a wave, by Clifford W. Ashleyâ€each individual in treatment however similarly captivating in actuality. Superb instances of still life paint ing are appeared. Pursue sends another splendid work of art of fish, which straightway upon the opening of the ex hibition found a buyer; H. R. Riten berg, Alice Worthington Ball, Hugh Breckenridge, Carl Schmitt and Aline Solomons each contributes an investigation which assists with inspiring the normal of legitimacy. Following the custom of past seasons the Corcoran Gallery has made buys from this show for its lasting assortment getting the accompanying seven works before the entryways were available to the general population: â€Å"My Daught er† by F. W. Ben child, â€Å"Incoming Tide† by R. N.Brooke, â€Å"Woods in Winter† by John F. Carlson, â€Å"Late Autumn Moonrise† by Ben Foster, â€Å"Cape Porpoise† by Chauncey F. Ryder and Autumn† by J. Alden Weir. NOTE ON THE ARTS AND CRAFTS SCHOOLS OF GERMANY Easygoing American who meanders JL into a room named â€Å"Kunst-Gewerbe Schule† in one of the numerous German in dustrial shows, looks with inert if advertisement soiling eye at the instances of gems, draw ings and weaving, vainly attempts to figure out the signs on the divider allude ring to â€Å"Metal Arbeit,† â€Å"Druckerei† and Sticherei,† and passes on oblivious of the way that he has seen the consequences of one of the most noteworthy components of the mind boggling German educational system. The subtleties of this framework vary in every one of the few urban areas of Germany, yet in the primary the arrangement is the equivalent. It is one which attempts to choose via looking through assessment youthful, yearning and gifted craftsmans, and to prepare them under educators of the most noteworthy evaluations of imaginative information and specialized ability. The time given to this preparation shifts, however it is once in a while under four years, and now and again is delayed for six or seven. The up-and-comers originate from an assortment of sources, a considerable lot of them from the Craft or Gewcrbe schools, estab lished to prepare the fellows that have al prepared had some aesthetic establishment in schools for â€Å"Lchrling† as students. The Lchrling† schools give a touch of drawing with the components of general training to the student who has left the â€Å"Folk† school at fourteen. The Gewerbc† or Craft school gives substantially more in the method of masterful laborer transport and down to earth aptitude, yet it is re served for the â€Å"Kunst-Gcwcrbc† school to take the pick of the youngsters, those with the quickest creative sense and capacity, and train them to deliver work of the most noteworthy specialized request and exceed expectations lence. Numbers don't include in these schoolsâ€one once in a while finds a participation of in excess of 200 or so in the day school and maybe the same number of additional in extraordinary and evening classes, while the resources are huge, regularly twenty-five to thirty educators and aides giving exercises at various occasions consistently. Peruse: sixteenth Century Northern Europe I: Germany and FrancePractically every great measured German city has one of these Arts and Crafts schools. Some, normally, are in manufacture ings which go back various years, however the desire of each chief is to have another structure, and the individuals who have understood this point see their particular schools housed in lovely structures, total with present day comforts. However, however a considerable lot of the more seasoned schools are in structures coming up short on a portion of the things their heads want, it must not be comprehended that they bend sick prepared. On the con trary, the studios and work-shops regularly speak to a venture of numerous thou sands of dollars, which the state means to draw enthusiasm on, through an expanding interest for crafted by German structure ers, replicated in a large number of occupied German manufacturing plants. A composite picture, one which will intend to appear initially exactly what a â⠂¬Å"Kunst-Gewerbe† school resembles, is of need hard to draw. Like all composites it won't be valid for any one school, however for the most part devoted to the sort. What follows, in any case, is an at entice toward this path. See then a major structure with focal secured court loaded up with instances of stu dents’ work, a changeless display of the craftsmanship result of the school. Extended round will be the studiosâ€great rooms, with enormous studio windows and studio seats, model stands, and racks for planning phases. The spaces for cast drawing and for demonstrating will have the dividers balanced profound with mortar throws, while in the adjoining corridors will be scores a greater amount of all sizes from a little bust to an extraordinary gathering of some Greek ace. There will be a library with somewhere in the range of several books on workmanship, and about a great many plates, along with the present craftsmanship magazines, German, English, French and Italian; at that point will come twelve or so studios with prepare ments of drawing tables of different sorts adjusted to the requirements of the understudies of life drawing, mechanical drawing, still life painting, plan, compositional draw ing, etc. Every one of the class studios will have connecting it the Professors studioâ€a great size room, with fine light and all the properties† aggrega ted by an instructor, dynamic in the quest for his spe cial subject out of class hours. Another scope of studios still can't seem to be visitedâ€the â€Å"work-rooms,† about six on the whole, of good size and extent, each intricately prepared for some extraordinary part of work, metal, fired, material, brightening painting, mold, lithogra-phy, book-official, and so forth. (Each school contrasts concerning these unique useful courses.) Again we will discover case after case loaded up with models and again the professor’s studio. In the event that we are welcomed into the last we will sec playmate tiful instances of the workmanship of this practiced educator. Also, the understudies? Normally the more noteworthy number curve found in the studios where bend showed the essentials. In the previous long periods of the course the rooms will be brimming with people, drawing from cast or life, painting still life or working out clever issues in light and conceal, or excellent example. The work is in every case pretty much individual, and on occasion about six diverse tech niques will be utilized by the same number of discrete understudies. This is a striking quality of these classes. The expert fessor must know numerous procedures, and thusly is relied upon to have his stu imprints figure out how to function from the model from numerous points of view and with various media: charcoal, pastel, pencil, watcr shading, oils, gouache, pen and ink, tem pera. Scarcely any things are more noteworthy to the guest than to see a propelled class in drawing or configuration, making enchanting representations in an incredible wide range of structures and handlings. All go on together, however, as one of the instructors commented, The understudies can't all do allâ€but they gain from one an other. In the work-shops things are as occupied, however not almost so swarmed. There one discovers about six or twelve understudies, propelled students altogether grounded in line, structure and example, working discreetly at singular issues. In the event that it is a metal working room one will be building up the components of a jeweled pin, another setting up an enameled box, a third d rawing up a silver measuring glass which is to be embossed,â€a bit of work requiring vast expertise and tolerance. The ace will currently say a word to one, presently to an other, here a touch of assist will with being given, presently an insight with a shrewd sting of criti cism. Peruse: Nazi Germany EssayThe work must be right†Ã¢â‚¬ not all that much or pitiful will go for a moment. In the event that these things need seven days, take a week†Ã¢â‚¬what is seven days in four years’ preparing for authority! So additionally we will discover issues in other shop-studios. In the material room we may see wonderful bits of weaving or maybe a table-front of beguiling shading and structure; in the ceramics room, containers of fine shape and line, containers of interesting pride of structure and colorâ€of course made and terminated in the school oven. The educator of the printing expressions will give us etchings, dry prints, mezzotints, and lithographs made by his little gathering of specialists, and the teacher of sculp ture will display about six ventures all being developed, or may, as in Vien na, take us out into the open nursery back of the school and show the decora tions in â€Å"Calk-Stone made by his students. Perchance, we may come to one room where just a few understudies are grinding away and wonder whether a course so sparsely disparaged is viewed as a suc cess. There we should make the simple mistake of assessing accomplishment in numbers, as opposed to in fine craftsmanship. A word to the chief will fix us. Ok, this course, yes. We have barely any understudies with the correct ability

Friday, August 21, 2020

Capstone Essay Sample and the Capstone Essay Sample Stand Down

Capstone Essay Sample and the Capstone Essay Sample Stand DownStudents must take their capstone essay samples and seminar presentations very seriously. This is because they need to understand the purpose of the event so that they can make the most of the topic. They need to know how it is beneficial for them to be involved in it. This will help them when they are out there for the rest of their lives.Students have specific needs when it comes to preparation. The essence of each seminar and how it relates to the capstone essay sample is what they need to work on. This means that they need to get their needs in line with the general outcome. They should also set goals in terms of time for them to think about.The main thing that the students need to consider when taking their seminar stand is that they need to be able to memorize the best practices in order to be able to do it correctly. They should also be able to come up with the key words or keywords so that they can start writing fr om there. In addition, they need to be able to incorporate it into their essay. Students can then work from this and link to the key words to the main ideas in the paper.Another thing that students need to consider when taking their capstone essay samples and seminar sit down is to organize their ideas properly. They need to know that they can discuss topics in the event effectively. This is because the speakers will be able to give them more information for the paper. This will help them stay organized.It is important for students to write down the key word ideas. These should include the main ones. They should also use these because they can refer to it later.Oncea student remembers the key words, they need to add them into their writing. They should know that they should take their pen and start writing. They should then keep track of the words that they used. They should also look them up in order to make sure that they are using them correctly.It is important for students to re member that they should look up key words in order to make sure that they are using them correctly. There is no reason for them to look them up wrong. They should also take note of all the other parts of the presentation and go over the whole thing again with their pen in hand. The idea here is to understand what they are doing in the seminar.Students should not be nervous about giving a seminar stand and they should just enjoy themselves. They should work on getting their seminar into the right format. They should then move onto the absolution essay samples and take them into consideration when they are writing their dissertation or final paper.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay on Case Study - 1230 Words

Module 04 Case Study: Cardiovascular and Immune/Lymphatic Systems Each question is worth 1 point, unless otherwise noted. I’ve Fallen Over and I Can’t Get Up: Part I—Children Playing in The Heat Questions 1. What signs and symptoms did Greg exhibit when he was in the house? Some signs and symptoms Greg experienced were thirst, dizziness, and turgor. 2. Was Mrs. Myron correct when she said that Greg was dehydrated? Which signs and symptoms are consistent with this notion? Mrs. Myron thought that it was not necessary to seek medical treatment. Do you think she was correct? I believe Mrs. Myron was correct when she said Greg was dehydrated. All his signs and symptoms are symptoms of dehydration. I would probably have taken him to†¦show more content†¦Unlike bacteria, that have everything it needs to reproduce, viruses need to use a living cells organelles in order to replicate. 2. In general, how does humoral and cellular immunity differ? Cellular immunity does not involve antibodies and humoral does. 3. Understanding that HIV is a retrovirus (a virus that uses reverse transcriptase), answer the following questions: a. What is reverse transcriptase? Transcriptase is an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of DNA from an RNA template in reverse transcription. b. How is a retrovirus different from other viruses? A retrovirus composed of DNA and RNA virus with the most complex replication, so it is different from a regular virus. c. How does a retrovirus infect a cell and reproduce? On encountering a host cell, the retrovirus attaches itself to receptors on the surface of the host cell’s membrane. Once inside the cell, the capsid opens, releasing RNA and reverse transcriptase into the cell’s cytoplasm. 4. In regards to reviewing the immune system, answer the following questions: a. What is the difference between a T-cell and B-cell? B-cells mature in bone marrow; T-cells mature in the thymus. b. What is the difference between innate immune response and adaptive immune response? Innate immunity refers to nonspecific defense mechanisms that come into play immediately or within hours of an antigens appearance in the body. Adaptive immunity refers to antigen-specific immune response.Show MoreRelatedCase Studies : A Case Study Approach Essay1157 Words   |  5 PagesA case study is a specific instance that is frequently designed to illustrate a more general principle (Nisbet and Watt, 1984). Hitchock and Hughes (1995) further suggest that the case study approach is particularly valuable when the researcher has little control over evens. Case studies strives to portray ‘what it like’ to be a particular situation, to catch up reality and ‘thick description’ (Geertz, 1973) of participants’ lives experiences of, thoughts about and feelings for a situation. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis - 2168 Words

Introduction Hillel is remembered not for his inspired exegesis but for his rationalistic exegetical techniques, (Brewer 219). These rational exegetical techniques have been codified into the Seven Rules of Hillel, which many claim predate Hillel himself (The Seven Rules of Hillel). Regardless of when, how, and with whom the Seven Rules of rabbinical exegesis emerged, it is clear that Paul relied on these rules when conveying the teachings of Jesus Christ to the Jews. As Cohn-Sherbok points out, Pauls use of rabbinical interpretation and exegesis was deliberate and methodical. It has also been suggested that Paul used the Seven Rules of Hillel himself. There may be some historical basis for this presumption: Paul was certainly taught these rules in the School of Hillel by Hillels own grandson Gamliel. When we examine Pauls writings we will see that they are filled with usages of Hillels Seven Rules, (The Seven Rules of Hillel). Therefore, it is natural to read Pauline texts with a rabbinical eye, and equally natural to apply the Seven Rules of Hillel when performing exegesis on books like Romans. One of the reasons why Paul would have wanted to apply the Seven Rules of Hillel to his apostolic mission would have been that a rabbinical interpretation could help his Jewish audience better understand, and more readily accept, Jesus. Paul frequently alluded to the Old Testament when conveying the words or teachings of Christ. The allusions anchored the teachings ofShow MoreRelatedNew Testament Exegesis - Gospel Of Matthew : Concerning Prayer1810 Words   |  8 PagesNew Testament Exegesis – Gospel of Matthew: Concerning Prayer (6:5-14) Introduction Matthew 6:9-13 records the Lord’s Prayer in the account of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave this model prayer to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount (Greenman, 2012: 4). The Lord’s Prayer has been central to Christian liturgy and tradition ever since. This essay will first summarise the literary structure and historical context, including authorship and date and location of writing and audience of the gospel of Matthew

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States is Under Cyber Warfare - 859 Words

The United States is under attack. To be exact, the nation’s power grid is under attack in the form of cyber warfare. On May 21st, 2013 Congressmen Edward J. Markey and Henry A Waxman published a report that provided the findings from information that they had requested from over 150 utility companies (of which 60% responded). More than a dozen utilities reported â€Å"daily, constant, or frequent attempted cyber-attacks† (Markey Waxman) with one utility reporting that they have about 10,000 attempted attacks per month! The 2003 northeast blackout that saw about 50 million people from the northeast US and southeast Canada lose power for about 2 days at the cost of $6 billion dollars according to JR Minkel (Minkle) and was the biggest blackout in North American history (Minkle). The disaster lead to a report that showed the blackout was caused by a combination of human error and equipment failure. To prevent issues like this in the future a â€Å"smart grid† needs to be developed that would monitor and repair itself in the event of problems. Essentially computers and applications would be the first responder when there is an equipment failure on the grid. The problem with this solution is that by placing more of the control of the power grid into the hands of computers and applications, it opens up the grid to cyber-attacks. The economic impact of a total or even partial failure of the power grid is astronomical and makes a very appealing target to those who wish to causeShow MoreRelatedC yber Warfare Is The New Warfare Domain1528 Words   |  7 Pages the United States should preemptively attack the opposing country using their cyber warfare capabilities. II. Explanation of thesis and short summary. Cyber warfare is the new warfare domain. 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Conversely, there are those who are not quite sure if cyber warfare is an actual threat. This will also provide an ample answer to questions such as: What is cyber warfare? And will answer the question of, what is the history of cyber warfare? And will answer the question Is there any real way to protect ourselves from a cyber attack? Cyber warfare has been around since the beginning of human creation, when the serpent told Eve to eat from the forbiddenRead MoreDefensive Cyberspace Initiatives Essay1553 Words   |  7 Pageslargely been demarcated by the national security strategies of the United States. The keystone of these strategies has been the United States’ Global War on Terror and it has beguiled not only the U.S., but a majority of the Westernized governments into an over decade long conflict, extending across the globe. This more than decade long commitment to anti and counterterrorism operations has not only revolutionized contemporary warfare, but has spurred rapid international growth and integration of informationRead MoreThe United States Is Ill Prepared For Cyberwarfare1375 Words   |  6 PagesThe United States is Ill Prepared for Cyberwarfare Nuclear silos launching warheads. Power plants exploding. Water systems contaminated. Currency devalued and locked away. Vehicles simultaneously going haywire all at once. That could be just the first 10 minutes of reports simultaneously reaching the President of the United States. How could all of these disasters happen? Simply put, all of these scenarios involve components which rely on the use of cyberspace. While citizens of the United StatesRead MoreCyber Warfare Between The United States And Russia901 Words   |  4 Pagesthe book Cyber Warfare states that â€Å"The U.S. military does not have a definition for cyber warfare today† (53). While this work was published in 2014, it is still a fair assessment into today. According to the CCDCOE, again on their webpage â€Å"Cyber Definitions,† cyber warfare as agreed between The United States and Russia is defined as â€Å"cyber attacks that are authorized by state actors against cyber infrastructure in conjunction with government campaign.† The two nations also define cyber attacks inRead MoreCyber Security And Cyber Attacks Essay1246 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: Cyber security is a major concern for every department, business, and citizen of the United States because technology impacts every aspect of our daily lives. The more we use technology the more complacent, we get with the information that is stored within our cyber networks. The more complacent, we get, the more vulnerable we become to cyber-attacks because we fail to update the mechanisms that safeguard our information. Breaches to security networks are detrimental to personal,Read MoreWhy Should International Law Deal With The Uncertainties Arising From The Rise Of Irregular Forms Of Warfare?1476 Words   |  6 Pagesmany popular policies – is to require states to adopt a universal cyber warfare doctrine. Yet, subject matter experts disagree on the effectiveness of this approach by mendicating the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. In my research, I will explore the claims made by proponents of scholars. My primary research question is: H ow should international law deal with the uncertainties arising from the rise of irregular forms of warfare? For example, over the past severalRead MoreInformation Warfare and Cyber Terrorism: Case Studies1248 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Topic Running Head: Information Warfare and Cyber Terrorism Information Warfare Cyber terrorism Russian denial-of-service attack on the country of Estonia in 2007   VICTIM A cyber attack was made on Estonia in 2007, on 26 April 2007 at sharp 10o clock; government of Estonia was made the target for a preplanned cyber attack by some secret foe (Stacy Prowell, 2010). AGRESSOR The exile of the Russian statue that was a means of giving tribute to the Soviet Soldiers for their efforts in WorldRead MoreThe Invention Of The World War II1367 Words   |  6 Pagespoints in warfare driven by advancements in technology. For instance, the invention of gunpowder eventually led to the creation of many new weapons which called for changes in the way battles were fought. Nuclear weapons ended World War II and caused major tension during the Cold War. The invention of the Internet gave way to a completely new branch of warfare, cyber warfare. The Effects of Gunpowder in Weapons The development of gunpowder in weapons was the first step to modern warfare. Gunpowder

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis Of Conventional Banks In Pakistan †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Analysis Of Conventional Banks In Pakistan? Answer: Introduction In this report, financial performance and capital structure of APN Outdoor Company. It is an Australian company which has been providing media and advertisement services to clients. This company has increased its overall profit since last three years and shown high value creation on its investment. This report has shown the capital structure and ratio analysis of company in determined approach. Comparing Firms Capital Structure Capital structure of company is accompanied with debt and equity capital portion of company. economics, each and every company should maintain capital structure of 30 % debt and 70% equity. The WACC of APN Outdoor Company has been computed as below (Gitman, Juchau, Flanagan, 2015). Cost of Equity CAPM Model Risk free rate of return 2.40% Beta 1.3 Market Rate of Return 7% Cost of Equity 8.38% Cost of debt Interest after tax 2956100 Debt 103000000 Cost of debt 2.87% Weights Debts (Loan) 103000000 Equity 222334000 Total 325334000 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Debt Equity Cost of Capital (WACC) After computing all the details of company, it is inferred that the cost of capital of APN Outdoor Company is 6.64%. The debt of the APN Outdoor Company is 32% and 68% equity funding. This level of capital structure of APN Outdoor Company has shown that company has been enjoying advantage of debt portion in its business. QMS Media Company is one of the biggest rivals of company. It has maintained debt to equity ratio to 22:78. It reflects 22% debt funding and rest 78% equity funding in its capital. Nonetheless, QMS Media Company has cost of capital 7.78% which is quite high as compared to APN Outdoor Company. QMS has high cost of capital and reduced its financial leverage (Finance. Yahoo, 2017). Analysis of Financial Ratios of APN Outdoor Company Throughout the time, with the increasing ramification of economic changes, APN Outdoor Company has increased its overall earning and profit since last three years. The current ratio of company has gone down by .65 points since last three years. Quick ratio has also decreased by .55 points in the same time period. Net profit of company has increased to 20% in 2016 from the net loss of 6% in 2015. The return on capital employed has increased to 26% in 2016. Interest co coverage of company is equal to zero and shown 32% debt and 68% equity portion. Efficiency ratio has also changed with a view to reduce the overall cost of capital. Inventory turnover ratio is zero since last three years due to its zero level of inventory management. Creditors turnover ratio of company has also managed to 40% with view to reduce the amount blockage and cost of capital associated with the same (Brigham Gerhardt, 2013). Significant Changes in the Capital Structure in Past Three Years The share capital of APN Outdoor Company is $58.15, $63.74, and $59.64 million in all 2014, 2015 and 2016. Moreover, Debt portion of APN Outdoor company has increased by 5% since last three years (Finance. 2017). Particulars 2014 2015 2016 Fiscal year ends in June AUD$ '000 AUD$ '000 AUD$ '000 AUD in Million except per share data Long term loans 125 97 133 Wealth Maximization in Past Three Years The stock price of APN Outdoor Company has shown increment of profit by 200% as compared to last three years. This increment showcases that company has increased the value of capital invested by shareholders in determined approach. This increased level of profit and earning of company will provide high amount earning per share of company. It will provide them high level of earning to shareholders who have invested in organization (Hunjra Bashir, 2014) Importance of Minimization of the Cost of Capital Reducing cost of capital may result to increased business efficiency for APN Outdoor Company. It will also result to following advantage such as creation of core competency, increased brand image and shuffling of capital of company. This minimization of cost of capital will also reduce the overall cost of production and increased the contributed profit in determined approach (Karna, Richter Riesenkampff, 2016). Recommendations for Lowering the Cost of Capital This company has maintained 32% debt portion which could be further increased with a view to take tax deduction advantage and low cost of capital associate with the same (Finance. Yahoo. 2017). Nonetheless, simultaneously APN Outdoor company will increase its financial risk if it increases its debt portion. In addition to this, company could also go for finance option which could be available for company at lower cost of capital. Conclusion In this report, it is observed that APN Outdoor company has high debt portion and increased financial risk in its business functioning. However, this has resulted to tax advantage and lowering down the overall cost of capital. Now in the end, it could be inferred that company should maintain effective capital structure that could reduce the cost of capital and financial risk at large. References Brigham, E. F., Ehrhardt, M. C. (2013). Financial accounting: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Finance. Yahoo. (2017). APN Outdoor Group Limited (APO.AX). Retrieved September 16, 2017 from, Finance. Yahoo. (2017). QMS Media Limited (QMS.AX). Retrieved September 16, 2017 from, Hunjra, A. I., Bashir, A. (2014). Comparative Financial Performance Analysis of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Pakistan.Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE),3(4), 196-206. Karna, A., Richter, A., Riesenkampff, E. (2016). Revisiting the role of the environment in the capabilitiesfinancial performance relationship: A meta?analysis. Strategic Management Journal,37(6), 1154-1173.